Monday, August 31, 2009

Reclaiming what is being lost daily

A friend emailed me (startling enough that was! I think this was the 2nd or 3rd time she's ever emailed me something!) and being it was a blog, figured it was poly-ticks. Yep! and a great one it is. The Reclamation of Independence! I'm only following his suggestion.. posting it and passing it on!


August 29, 2009 by Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere

I’m not generally a “shot across the bows” kinda guy, but I felt that this message was important enough to be given in the form of a ‘fair warning’. If you agree, please attach your name or alias, post it, and pass it on.



WHEN IN THE GENERATIONS SUCCEEDING the one that pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to usher in the birth of the world’s only truly free nation, Liberty’s Progeny incrementally ceded their birthright to the government conceived and designed to serve a free people, and not be its servant, this generation is awakening to the terrible mistake that we, and our ancestors allowed to happen. Charged with the terrible knowledge that comes with opened eyes, we now take up the long abdicated duty to rouse our fellow citizens and actively wrest the power and the liberties that have been progressively talked, cajoled, threatened, wheedled, and extorted from us, not only by those who ostensibly served us, but by their supporters and enablers who, by accident or design, saw fit to usurp and disdain such freedoms, that they might be withheld, and where impossible to withhold, might be condemned, until a corrosive contempt for these liberties, wrapped in velvet gloves, might so suffocate the circulation of them that this nation, conceived in liberty and the providence of a wise and benevolent creator, might indeed perish from the earth, plunging the rightful heirs of a proud and noble heritage in the the darkened waters of chaos, despair, and evil that surround them, a dank deluge that even today, other human beings actively seek to escape from in the inspiring embrace of this blessed and free country.

We, the awakened and aware, freely accept the charge that the architects of this republic passed on to us over two centuries before, in the hope that all who partook in the blessings made possible by nation they created would somberly undertake the duties of citizens, and so appropriately train themselves in virtue, and educate themselves in the workings of the precepts and ideals set forth in their foundational documents that they would possess enough wisdom to recognize that not all threats to our freedom would come from without our ranks, the knowledge to recognize that not every chain and shackle menacing us will immediately appear to be what it actually is, and the humility not to assume that the ingenuity and innovation that has been the hallmark of American success has been the product of man alone.

To this end, we hereby identify and reclaim our independence from the tools used to slowly enslave a free people and usurp the freedoms that we could not be persuaded to freely give up, or voluntarily suppress the free exercise of on our own:

1. We reclaim our independence from the tyranny of ‘Political Correctness’.

The Constitution does not now, nor has it ever guaranteed a right to be free from being offended. Early successes in causing the disruption of free speech by insisting on the use of words or terms stripped of their meaning or altered by redefinition and deliberate use of euphemism, in order to avoid offending more delicate sensibilities lead to its use to deliberately avoid, delay, or prevent the free exchange and communication of ideas because we allowed ourselves to be more afraid of offending someone or being branded with a label chosen to imply that there was a problem with the offending speaker, rather than the intended recipient.

No more.

Words have meaning and names have power. But truth overcomes, when it is given the opportunity to exist unfettered by the artificial restraints that those who fear it would place upon it. The Founding Fathers knew this, which is why they favored the “marketplace of ideas” approach. And we now ratify and affirm this concept, having borne witness to the damage and impaired decision making that results when we remain silent and let others avoid any real discussion of topics, events, and ideas out of the fear that we might offend someone.

2. We reclaim our independence from your victim hood.

For too long, we have stood by silently, and allowed some to increasingly balkanize this country with sob stories of how one thing or another makes them a victim, and therefore they deserve some special deference, special preference, and recognition that they are special. We watched for too long, with growing alarm, as the hyphenated-Americans increasingly failed to take it upon themselves to overcome their victim status, yet continually expect to be rewarded for it as they brandished their victimhood like a cudgel, ready to bludgeon any who dared to question their entitlements and almost rapacious appetites to expand them.

No more.

One of the many unique blessings that this country has to offer is the presence of second and third and fourth chances. Others know this, and rather than think that the good things available to those who work for them were something that they were simply entitled to by virtue of their sob story, real or imagined, they decided to man up, and overcome. That doesn’t happen through accepting help and deciding to continually demand more. We are a generous people, but there are limits. Decide of your own accord to know the satisfaction of making your own destiny, rather than subsistence on the labor of others. You might be surprised at what you accomplish, or how that might come to benefit your fellow citizen in ways that you cannot even imagine.

3. We reclaim our independence from the myth of a compelling interest in diversity at the cost of excellence.

The latest affront to the ‘American Exceptionalism’ that our current President feels the need to apologize for in foreign capitols is the recent notion of a “compelling interest in diversity in our government, our institutions, and our culture”. This is the bastard child of Political Correctness and victimhood, which would not have been possible without the misapprehension of the concept of equality as enshrined in our law, the correct interpretation being that citizens of this country have equality of opportunity and equality in stature in the eyes of the laws that govern us. Once the “right” of offense took hold and started keeping company with victimhood, those benefiting from the employment of both decided that equality really meant that everyone had a right to be to be surrounded in all walks of life by people who looked just like them, whether those people were qualified to fulfill those roles or not.

No more.

Americans rose to prominence in the world in no small part due to the idea of merit and the pursuit of excellence. This was embodied in our government and institutions as much as in the private sector. Civil Service exams for public sector jobs ensured not only that people could do the work required of them, but that the best qualified were hired to do the job. Now, the standard in many fire departments, police departments, government agencies, and university staffs is not excellence, but the color of skin, gender, or sexual preference. The identity has eclipsed ability and we are all the poorer for it. Prepare for a change.

4. We reclaim our independence from the contempt of our citizenship.

For too long, we have silently permitted others to use the appeal of emotion to exact our acquiescence in their actively allowing people who have violated our laws to come here to live and work among us without asking permission to do so, or obeying our laws in doing so. We have allowed others to cajole us into allowing these persons to use our resources, and take benefits intended for citizens, without them being required to become citizens or apply for residence. We have been too long silent as others continually advocate for the application of the protections that are conferred upon us as our birthright to those who are not citizens and have tried to kill citizens, or have expressed a deep-seated desire to do so.

No sane person so despises something of value that is theirs by virtue of “the accident of birth” that they simply would give it away to others who want it and yet show contempt for those who have it by stealing it from them. Likewise, no sane person so dishonors a gift purchased with the blood of others that they will give it to those who only desire to kill or enslave them. No longer will we be silent as others confer all the benefits and protections of citizenship upon those who disrespect it, or would steal such benefits and protections without assuming the responsibility to pay for them, or worse yet, murder us because we have them.

5. We reclaim our independence from the “Freedom from religion” that has erroneously been read into the Constitution.

From the institution of Thanksgiving, to the architecture of our public buildings and monuments, the opening of government proceedings, down to the acknowledgment on our currency, this country has very deep and undeniable Judeo-Christian roots, and has been governed by leaders who unashamedly proclaimed their according personal beliefs while in office. It has influenced our laws and been the bedrock of every ideal that has allowed this nation to grow and prosper. This heritage has been the target of a decades long campaign to shove God out of the public square and exile him from congress with our elected officials by people who have refused the notion of a higher authority, because their own beliefs and desires are in contravention to those expressed by that higher authority.

No more.

Assaulting our national heritage with such dubious legal notions such as a separation of church and state that forbids any mention of God or expression of religion on or in state-owned property, and dismantling existing law with the fallacious statement “You can’t legislate morality” does violence to our history and demonstrates weak logic and understanding of what law is. The Founding Fathers’ intent with the Establishment Clause was the prevention of any one church gaining the favor and sanction of the Federal Government. A ban on ANY expression of religion or belief in God was never their intention, and the evidence of that is still surrounding us to this day. The current state of the law is based on a false premise that can be easily dismissed by a simple walk around the monuments and buildings in the District of Columbia, and taking out you wallet to pay for an ice cream cone. As for the “You can’t legislate morality” canard, this is also false. The law is, in its most simple essence, an expression of morality, codified. The question that then arises is whose morality should be expressed in the law? Those of people who can point to no particular belief system that has certain valuable virtues at its core, or those that can?

6. We reclaim independence from the cynical attempts to use shame to stop us from speaking out.

We have all felt this. The accusations that we are poor Christians because we refuse to give the government power not granted to it in the Constitution and go along with the currently contemplated health care reform bill. The charges that we hate the Earth and our children, because we oppose the highest single tax increase ever, combined with the deleterious effect on American jobs that would result in the passage of the Cap and Tax bill, which owes its existence to the myth of man-made global warming and the fact that it feeds the Federal Government its two favorite entrees: money and power. The charges that we are bad, greedy, selfish people for not supporting the idea that government and welfare entitlements are the way to improve the lives of Americans who are struggling, whatever the reason. The charges of “Racism” whenever we raise a provocative question or level a criticism at a person, policy, or idea that might happen to involve a person or persons who are not Caucasian.

No more.

Charges like “racist” and “racism” made without objective, quantitative support, and only the subjective justification of emotion will be ignored. The race card is maxed out, and the bank is no longer willing to extend the credit line. As for attacking our faith, or our practice thereof, we will no longer be held to account by people who do not understand the faith they would use as a weapon against believers, when the wielder subscribes to no belief system at all. Those who rely only on themselves for the regulation of their conduct and ethics no longer get to condemn those who answer to a higher authority. Not any more. We reclaim control of the shame that you have opted out of, and we will no longer allow you to use it to make us answer to you.

7. We reclaim independence from the notion that the Federal Government is the solution to every problem and the answer to every question.

For too long, we stood by and allowed debate and action on all matters, predicated upon on a destructive and dangerous idea: That the Federal Government is the only way to meet a need, fix a problem, or prevent a problem. In time it became a security blanket, and we became a nation of thumb-suckers, eager to give the Federal Government more power and more money, if only it would keep us safe from life and the living of it as free people, until we no longer looked to it for protection from others who would have our liberties or destroy them; we looked to it for protection from the consequences of our own actions.

No more.

We were so fixated in seeking the federal government’s assistance with every aspect of our daily lives, no one within or without the Federal Government ever exercised restraint and said “No. The Constitution does not give the Federal Government the authority to do that.” And now that people are alert to the fact that the Federal Government is poised on the cusp of the largest power grab it has ever made with the health care bill, some of us are finally saying “No. You do not have the authority.” The stakes have never been more obvious. Met with the anger of constituents who are actually paying attention, elected officials are employing various means to intimidate these citizens who are expressing their disgust and anger that a government that serves them would ever feel so entitled to our money and our data in the passage of something so clearly opposed by those who wold have to live under it, these servants have resorted to insulting their constituents, calling them shills in the pay of their political opponents, calling them stupid and saying that they simply did not understand the printed words on the pages of the bill, brazenly lying to them outright about what they have proposed and are considering, and filling audiences at public meetings with rent-a-mobs from the SEIU, ACORN, and others, so that they will face a friendly audience that is also hostile to the voters opposed to this latest demonstration of government off its leash. The days of promising good governance but delivering graft, corruption, and self serving sinecures are over. We do not care about your party; both have proven themselves reckless and dishonest. We demand that you act responsibly, that you do the people’s business, not your own, and we demand that you act within the confines of the Constitution. No more will we simply accept legislation that exceeds the authority strictly enumerated in the Constitution. No more will we accept interpretations of the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause that are so tortured and stretched beyond reason or recognition as to be unrecognizable to anyone who has read the Constitution. No longer will we accept legislation from the bench that relies not on interpretation of the Constitution, but mystical divination of mysterious penumbras that only a few ‘right-minded’ jurists can see. Those days are over, and you can return usurped powers to the states and the individual citizens in whom the Constitution rightfully places them, or you can have them stripped from you.

We, those who have come together in virtual congress to reclaim our independence from those who have by various means obtained it from us, realize that this probably wasn’t the HOPE! and CHANGE! that those persons had in mind, but nevertheless, the time has come.

Blackiswhite, Imperial Consigliere

Free Citizen of the United States of America,

August 29, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Code Talkers Museum

Is in the works! According to Navajo Times, Chevron Mining Co., donated 208 acres of land as a site for the museum. The code talkers are now in their 80s and 90s, and this is a GREAT idea! Come to think of it, I didn't see much of the code talkers at the WW2 musuem in New Orleans, but they didn't have much on the Pacific theater of war. Perhaps they will also add something more when they expand (they were planning on expanding with another building when I was there in 2005) for the war in the Pacific. HERE is the link to the Navajo Times story about the code talkers museum. Our church youth group is planning on returning to the reservation to go teach Vacation Bible School again, and hopefully I will be able to return with them.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Something handy

I was watching one of my favorite shows to watch on TV, The Shopping Bags, where they compare items like tools, kitchen gadgets, even cigars one day, to find the better quality one.. and they were comparing cooking sprays one day. They threw in this, a Misto, that you fill with your own oil. I thought it sounded like a good idea, and bought myself one off Amazon. I love it! I fill it with extra virgin olive oil, and use it all the time now. When I went back to Oregon to help take care of my father in law, I used Pam for the first time in a couple of years, and it STUNK. I could smell whatever else was in there, it was horrid. I'll stick with this Misto, and I think the investment is well worth it. Considering that a can of Pam is what 2$ something now, and a Misto is around $10 to $15 top price (Sears has it for $10.99 as of today), it's a bargain. I've had mine for 2 years now, with no problems. Some say the seal wears out after a while, but I figure if I get 3 good years out of it, I've saved money, left the extra whatever they put in Pam out of my system, and eaten better *less oil* . At any road, its a bargain.

On another note, the mosquitoes are here. With a vengeance. YUCK! I open my kitchen door, and they swarm in.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another "routine" townhall

They say they're not staged, but funny how people who all work for him ask the questions, and show up there. I was just reminded of this as I was going through a bag of old photos I am fixing to put in assorted scrapbooks (just taking up *yet another!* hobby, when I came across the photos from our honeymoon up in San Francisco. Some pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge, taken while traveling on it, looking upwards, and the day we were *supposed* to go take a tour of Alcatraz (we already had bought our tickets, our trip was scheduled to be in 4 hours), so we went to get something to eat in Chinatown. I picked the wine that day by the look of the label (yet another good pick by that method :P), and after looking through shops we were just wandering around there, and someone came up to hubby, and handed him 2 tickets and said there was going to be George Bush here in 2 hours, we could go see him. Big Deal! I thought, as it was going to be 2 hours, and I wanted to see Alcatraz. Little did I know at that time my husband was some kind of weird political junkie (or so to me he seemed at that time), so off we went to that political thing, amid much griping about not going to see Alcatraz, it was MY honeymoon, not Bush's etc. I'm going to get the pictures on CD at Walmart this weekend, so you can see where we were put - up in front of the media. This was the only part I liked. I turned around and took a picture of them taking pictures of Bush, and then I turned around and took pictures of Bush opening a giant fortune cookie from some bigwigs in SF Chinatown, saying "November Brings Good Luck".

I was reminded of this, compared to how Obama is filling his town halls. I bet he's not having some random-picked people at the grocery store or post office or dentist office or just walking their dog being handed a ticket or a pair of tickets to go to the town hall.

Not that I am the suspicious type :P but when he's been proven over and over to stack his deck, I'm not one to lay down a wooden nickel on a bad bet.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Greenhouses, and what is in them

Don't get me wrong - I would love to have a nice greenhouse (apart from this darn mold that likes to cover everthing down here in S. Texas!) where I could grow plants that dont do so well in the sun - so they're not exposed to the heat and light of the sun - THE BURNING, BRIGHT LIGHT - ! of discovery! that is going on in the greenhouses of the townhalls being held by Obummer and his komrades. I'm reading about Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston)'s Townhall, with a few plants, and Obama's past Tuesday townhall meeting with more plants. I'm over at Lone Star Times, reading about townhalls, and Lo and belhold! there is a physician (who lies - she really isn't - she's an Obama campaign volunteer. Sitting with her, is the moonbat who ran the Barak Obama election office, the one with the Che Guevara flag. See it HERE.

An interesting comment left there, further down, is that someone who went to Obummer's Town Hall meeting and said she couldn't get health care for her Hep-C. The tv watcher's wife, is a nurse practitioner, and is her PA!

And the Bozeman one in Montana I'm sure is not going to be full of ranchers and their wives.. it's going to be full of plants, maybe a few ranchers. He lies all the time. Just heard again on the radio "militia membership MAY be going up" while they have PROOF POSITIVE in a case where voter intimidation was going on and VIDEOTAPED EVIDENCE is available, BUT 'we're not going to prosecute them"... even though the new black panthers never showed up to their court date, and the government won by default. What? they won and they're going to do NOTHING? This speaks volumes.

What's in it?

What's in the health care bill? John David Lewis, PhD, from Duke University, went through it, and got out these nuggets of joy, and posted them on his website, He has other things that he has written that look interesting, that I am going to look into also, but the health care info he has, put to rest Obama's lying about "we're not going to pull the plug on grandma" and "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan and your doctor" baloney. Plus this involves the IRS, everyone's favorite government agency!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A couple of Obama's advisors

That brings up another thing, John Holden, one of Obama's advisors.. his science advisor - some of his previous bright ideas:

- Forcibly and unknowingly sterilizing the entire population by adding infertility drugs to the nation's water and food supply.

- Legalizing forced abortions (after all, we are a blight on this planet!)

- Another proposed measure would force single mothers to demonstrate to the government that they can care for the child, effectively introducing licensing to have children.

- Implementing a system of "involuntary birth control," where both men and women would be mandated to have an infertility device implanted into their body at puberty and only have it removed temporarily if they received permission from the government to have a baby.

- Permanently sterilizing people who the authorities deem have already had too many children or who have contributed to "general social deterioration".

- Formally passing a law that criminalizes having more than two children, similar to the one child policy in Communist China.

- This would all be overseen by a transnational and centralized "global police force" to enforce the measures outlined above.

Here's from another one of his advisors, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (Rahm's brother):

Substantively, it suggests services that promote the continuation of the polity-those that ensure healthy future generations, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberations-are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.

Great. And these are the guys whispering in his ears, telling him what to do. Great ethics eh? No nutjobs around here! Nothing to see, MSM will say nothing about it, nothing to see or report, yeah, right sure.

Up in arms

And it's about time people started paying attention to the shenanigans going on in government. This health care bill is a good one to get involved in, as it starts paying NOW, and it doesn't start until 2013. How will the government pay for it? Raising taxes - printing more money - rationing care. Those are your choices. Want to hear some gems?

The government has the power to determine what is a medical condition and the power to decide who can enter a hospital - by a panel. Allows the government to expand this without federal commission. Anyone caught without acceptable insurance and not covered by government insurance will pay the fine. IRS will be involved in fines. What is acceptable coverage? The bill defines acceptable coverage. Setting a minimum 70%, no room for catastrophic coverage anymore! Will it destroy private health insurance? You can still buy private plan, but businesses (8-10 people) have to pay an additional 8-10% payroll tax if they don't carry insurance. Guess which is cheaper for the business? The penalty. So lots of people will lose their coverage.

By the way, when Obama said he was not for single-payer health insurance, in the fake town hall meeting he just had yesterday (again another fake one!),in front of an SEIU New Leadership Health Care Forum on March 24, 2007, said, "My commitment is to make sure that we have universal healthcare for all Americans by the end of my first term as President." Huh.. and in 2003, he also mentioned something about this, when he was running for the US Senate: “I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer health care program.” He adds, “We may not get there immediately." and then went on that Dems had to get in control first. Guess what.. they're in control now.

I was listening to the radio this morning, and it was mentioned something about the emperor's new clothes. They're not really there. If Obama said he wasn't really there while standing there, there would be bets in Vegas that the people that voted for him would be saying "he's not really there! I don't see him!"

The left is trying to make out the people that are coming out to these town halls as 'astroturfers', fake angry people. Funny, that's what THEY do. They're the people who go out and protest. We're the nice people who stay home and wonder what the hell is going on! Now that we are protesting, they can't believe their eyes and ears. Notice that violence did not start until Obama urged his supporters to get out there and contend with these "troublemakers".

Oh yes.. and the left is also advertising on Craigslist for people to show up at townhall meetings, paying money for them to come and shout down "the complainers". Speaking of the complainers, what made me think of that phrase, was a poster that was shown on television, a very simple poster, from a time that I have studied, from late 1800s on.. our monetary policy seems to be starting that way, but not yet going that way.. and *hush, we can't talk about them being they killed 6 million plus, never mind that they were big government people, and progressives* HERE is a video showing the poster. And doesn't it seem like what is going on nowadays? except the eugenics.. and that was from the progressives, which are in charge now.

Friday, August 7, 2009

an interesting video

Will liberty make a comeback, with those nutjobs in congress and the senate? There is a whole new group, that are out there to get those lunaticks out of office, and put the consitution back where it belongs -