Saturday, February 7, 2009


Lately I've been buying various things that catch my eye - it was teapots for a while.. but I have to knock that off, as I am out of room for teapots, and as hubby says.. how many teapots does one need? I have 6 teapots in various sizes, ranging from 16 ounces to 48 ounces, and use them at different times, 4 tea-for-ones. I guess enough of those. Lately its been chopsticks. Yes, chopsticks! Why? We eat with them. They make some gorgeous enamelled ones, and cloisonned chopsticks.

Chinese people have been using chopsticks as main tableware for more than 3,000 years.

Japanese Chopsticks are slightly different form Chinese Chopsticks, in that they are more tapered. In Japan they are called "Hashi" which means bridge.

Even our HEB has chopstick sets now.. although they are plastic and in these funky bright colors, not very pretty.. kind of cartoony looking. They are expanding their Asian food section there. They now carry Vietnamese rice wrappers, I noticed. And they also carry sushi rice, which we have a fondness for, instead of long grain fluffy rice. Nice sticky rice anyday!

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