Well it appears my net is working kind of ok, first time since last Wednesday. The radio transmitters were messed up in the podunk town they are situated in, that we receive our wireless from. I managed to do a lot of cleaning, and tons of reading. The past few days have been stuck to the Kindle, reading The Count of Monte Cristo. quite interesting, and if you've only seen the movie, I really suggest reading the book!
On a lighter note, paranoia is at a high point in Egypt, where they've had more than usual shark attacks in the Red Sea. From Reuters:
"What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark (in the sea) to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm," South Sinai Governor Mohamed Abdel Fadil Shousha was quoted as saying by state news site egynews.net
I see.. the Mossad is behind the shark attacks... to drive down tourism in Egypt. If you would really like a laugh, go to Jihadwatch.org's story about it, and read the comments below the story. The poisonous spiny Starofdavidfish has me cracked up this morning!
I woke up before 3:30 this morning, got up because of disturbing dreams, and then stayed up to watch the news, where I saw the above gem on the ticker underneath the commentatator on the show.
I'm heading back to bed, after letting you know about this *important* news item!
2 years ago